High Performance Coaching - Online

Practice wherever and whenever you want!

With the technology that we posess today, it's no longer neccessary for you and your coach to be at the same place. Actually, you don't even have to be on the same continent, to be able to practice, get feedback and develop your game!

Basically, all you need, is knowing how to handle a phone or a tablet, and you're good to go! 

You will get drills and exercises to do at home, either on the range, at an indoor venue or even at home in your living room, depending on your personal setup. And the best part is that you're going to be able to practice as much as you want, depending on your goals!

Further down, you'll find CoachNow and Kinexit, which are the two tools/platforms we'll be using within HPC. 

CoachNow will be the main channel for communication and will also function as your log throughout the program. CoachNow will be the platform where you can upload your own videos for feedback.

Kinexit will be our platform for Golf Fitness, if you decide to sign up for a longer period of training. You can easily perform a screening on your own, and you will then get exercise programs designed to strengthen you weaknesses based on your current physical abilities.

Price and setup

Single session - 30 minutes - €79 / $89

1 month - 30 minutes + feedback - €99 / $110

3 months - 2x 30 minutes + feedback 195 / $220

Monthly coaching

Whether you choose one or three months of coaching, you will get;

  • Basic training in how to set up cameras and film your golf swing in order to get relevant feedback
  • Technical and Motor drills, with weekly feedback

Your choice

If you sign up for three months of coaching, you will also get to dive deeper into an area of your game that you want to put some extra emphasis on. We'll talk this through during the first month, in order to get a grip on which part of your game you would benefit most from focusing on.
Any type of stats to base the choice of focus area on would be most helpful!

The focus areas;

  • Wedge & putt - how to save shots on and around the green
  • Club Speed - how to increase the clubhead speed
  • Fitness - how to optimize our body for golf
  • Mental - how to neutrally navigate a golf course

Sign up by clicking the button below and sending me an email. 

Invoice will be emailed.


CoachNow is the main platform from where all communication will be logged. Within your CoachNow Training Space, we will be able to upload videos and text from both ends to create a log of feedback for each drill or practice routine.

The CoachNow app is free of charge and will be accessible for as long as you like, even after HPC.


Kinexit is a dedicated Golf Fitness Platform which you as a client, will be able to continue using after HPC, with a separate Kinexit Membership. If you sign up for three months of coaching, Kinexit will be included for the three months with HPC

Within the platform, you'll find a number of different programs and routines that will be suggested to you based on different screenings. The easiest and most simple 'Quick Assessment' is based on 5 different basic tests and the more advanced Mobility-, Power-, Speed-, or Endurance Screenings will require some more detailed measurements, but all of them can be done on your own.